Farmers’ Livelihood Dynamics and Climate Change Mitigation Measures in Dusuman Ward, Jere LGA, Borno State Nov. 2023

Borno State hosts the highest number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria, primarily due to the ongoing insurgency, which in turn limits access to livelihood opportunities. As the security situation gradually stabilizes, attention is progressively turning toward reintegrating IDPs into their home communities and ensuring they can support themselves and their households.

Over 70% of the population in Borno State depends on agriculture as their major source of income, though declining soil fertility, climate change, reduced access to arable land due to insecurity, and poor infrastructure continue to hamper agricultural productivity in the state. Moreover, farmers in Borno State are warning that rainfall totals are falling significantly short of expectations.

Taking this into account, the Nigeria Context Analysis Team (NCAT) of Mercy Corps Nigeria conducted an assessment in Dusuman ward, Jere LGA to better understand and analyze the 2023 rain-fed farming season (June-October) and farmers’ access to arable land, information management systems, and climate change adaptation measures, state and NGO farming support, and agricultural insurance.

This report also covers expected crop yields and climate change-related coping mechanisms adopted by some farmers in Jere. NCAT hopes this report will prove useful to development and humanitarian actors operating in Jere and across Borno State, specifically those working with farmers and farming communities.

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